Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Opening Newly Discovered Doors

This post is in response to a post written by Katie W. found here called "The More Your Learn, the Less You Know".

In her post, she discusses the fact that as soon as you think you know something, there is another piece of the puzzle that unfolds which reveals more questions than answers.

"It is as if learning one new fact or one new idea or a new point of view just opens up a world of unexplored territory and other possibilities."

It's amazing to think that such a personal quest for the truth only brings us more questions to seek the answer too. But hasn't this been the case since the beginning of man? If it wasn't for Aristotle's curiosity to learn more about the human anatomy, where would medicine and surgery be today? If it wasn't for Da Vinci's fascination in machinations would the industrial revolution been so different?

Everyone searches for answers, and the fascination of such curiosity opens up new doors to things that seemed solved and complete. Such is the way of life, and it could be said that the way Katie feels, is the way humans have been feeling since the Stone Age. It is an experience I can say I have had the chance of encountering as well. It is an event in our lives that makes us stronger for the future.

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