Monday, August 30, 2010

Absolution (Post #1)

For fifteen years I have wanted to travel the seas, to marvel at the beauty of the vast blue emptiness. To feel the mist, to breathe the cleanest air, to open my mind and body to a world that defines the freedom of nature. I've wanted to ride the waves on a majestic white ship and sail for days and days with no destination. The water would be the bed I slept on, the road I traveled with and the wind my guiding direction. My tethers would be cut and I would be unraveled from any worry or responsibility.

Instead for the past twenty years I've been land ridden, to live in the filth of a dirty city, inhaling the never-ending smog of corruption and glutton. Chained to the desk, only able to imagine the world outside my deadpan window. People tell me to learn to love the city for that is where I am destined to spend my life. Have they been brainwashed to accept the perception of this city as something more than a prison, a tomb? I see the truth, the single ray of light cutting through the heavy clouds, shining down at the sea as the only exit to a new life.

Ever since I was born, the city was black and gritty. Corruptive politics and law breakers owned the city, controlling the essence of the market, forcing many people to work horrible jobs for a meager life. Those lucky enough to be born in the higher caste lived a false life of fame and fortune, but only at the price of despicable greed. I was told a long time ago, the city used to be much different than it is today. I was told to believe that the sun shined through the smog, that people had smiles on their faces. Is this believable?

If I was a painter I would paint this city all sorts of shades of gray, with shadows occupying most of the canvas. There would be no trees, no animals, no real sign of life at all, just a bleak gray brick wall, preventing those with aspiration and dreams to keep them hidden inside, until the wall broke apart.

Is there no room for the inspired, for the creative and the bold in this world? I refuse to believe that such concepts exist, and that my chained existence must be broken free. Those individuals who have built the ships that sail the seas, did they realize the barrier of absolution they would break? Is it possible to separate that which I have fallen upon to that which I long to fly to? I must escape the tyranny that befalls the weak-minded and corrupt, and find my place in the world that bestows the chance to explore my passions and zealous nature.

To be continued...

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